Tag Archives: safe on concrete

Icemelter and new concrete (12 months old!)

A question we frequently get is “if Icemelter is safe to apply on new concrete?”

The answer is no, as newly poured concrete needs time to cure and settle. The application of icemelter on concrete less than 12 months old may weaken the concrete structure making it more susceptible to damage in the future.

In order to reduce slipping, falling and liability risks, we suggest applying sand on the new concrete slab to give it some traction.
For more information on icemelter and concrete, please refer to our Icemelt Resource Centre.

Icemelt & Concrete

A question commonly asked is what are the effects of icemelt on concrete?

Icemelters which contain aluminum chloride, ammonium sulfate, calcium sulfate, magnesium chloride (MAG), ammonium nitrate, ammonium chloride, magnesium sulfate or sodium cyanide, will attack concrete and are best avoided. Additionally chemicals like calcium chloride will shorten the natural freeze/thaw cycle in concrete, greatly increasing the risk of scaling and flaking damage. Using an icemelter like GroundWorks Natural Icemelter™, keeps the melted ice in a liquid state for a much longer period of time and thereby extends the freeze/thaw cycle reducing the risk of scaling and flaking damage. Additionally GroundWorks Natural Icemelter™ contains no chemicals which would affect the concrete in any way.

For more information on the effects of icemelt on concrete please refer to the Icemelter & Concrete article in the Icemelter resource center on www.XYNYTH.com.