Tag Archives: icemelt

Win an Ice Melt Storage Bin!

You have a chance to win on of 5 FREE Icemelt Storage Bins in XYNYTH’s “Win A Bin Giveaway”!

Simply go to XYNYTH.com, Click on the “Win A Bin” banner, and answer 3 easy icemelt questions. Click SUBMIT to qualify.

Only 5 lucky winners will get a chance to win this awesome prize!

The Spotlight on XYNYTH

Each year about this time, XYNYTH is featured in Maintenance Sales News (MSN) magazine. Along its three issues (August to December), MSN interviews XYNYTH’s President, Kevin Wice, writes an article on XYNYTH and features a product show case. In the event that you do not receive Maintenance Sales News on a regular basis, we uploaded one Article to our website for you to read.

Christmas Reindeer Poop Recipe


1st Pour malted milk balls or Milk Duds into a plastic bag.
2nd Attach Poem below:

I woke with such a fright when I heard Santa call… “Now dash away, dash away, dash away all!” I ran to the lawn and in the snowy white drifts, those nasty reindeer had left “little gifts.” I got an old shovel and started to scoop neat little piles of reindeer poop! But to throw them away seemed such a waste, so I saved them, thinking – you might like a taste! As I finished my task, which took quite awhile, Old Santa passed by and he sheepishly smiled. And I heard him exclaim as he sped off in the sky… “Well they’re not potty trained, but at least they can fly!”

Happy Holidays from XYNYTH Manufacturing!

Featured: Game Changing Natural Icemelters

Maintenance Sales News magazine featured XYNYTH’s Eco-Friendly Natural Icemelters on several issues of their magazine, the latest of which is their Nov./Dec. 2017 issue.

For over 30 years, XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp., has provided new and different ice melter products to meet the growing demands placed by distributors, and their end-user customer base. Company officials complement these products with an abundance of information and educational tools, all in an effort to help people safely remove snow and ice.

The No. 1 selling item at XYNYTH remains the company’s prominent Mountain Organic Natural Icemelter™. It’s specifically designed to melt ice and snow effectively, while posing no risk to users, pets, concrete or the environment, when used as directed.

Click here for more info.

Liquefying icemelters

A very common question we get asked is: “Which of our icemelters can be liquefied?”

All of Winter Warrior icemelters (which includesWinter Warrior Enviro LEADer™ Icemelter, Winter Warrior Runway Control® and Winter Warrior CMA™ Icemelter can be converted to a liquid quite easily.

Simply dilute 25% product into 75% water.

Our Calcium Chloride can also be liquefied for those  who want a cheaper, non-eco-friendly alternative. The details on how to liquefy our Calcium Chloride are available on our website.

Seasons Greetings!

We at XYNYTH would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family all the very best this holiday season.
As we close out 2016 and as 2017 begins to dawn, it seems like a great time to reflect on what we’ve accomplished, the journey we’ve taken to get to where we are, and the plans we have for an exciting, bright future. We are truly honored and thankful to be able to work with each of you and hope that this holiday season is a special one. May it be filled with great joy and long lasting memories. Happy Holidays!