Tag Archives: eco friendly

Here Are the Winter Storm Names For 2021-22

It’s Winter Storm Season Already. Here Are the Winter Storm Names For 2021-22.

The Weather Channel released the 2021-22 winter storm names list, marking the 10th season of naming winter storms. The names will be used in alphabetical order to identify winter storms that meet objective naming criteria based on National Weather Service winter storm warnings, blizzard warnings and ice storm warnings. Check it out at https://weather.com/storms/winter/news/2021-10-06-winter-storm-names-2021-2022.

Make sure you do not get caught empty handed when these Winter Storms hit. Stock up with XYNYTH Icemelters.

Maintenance Sales News Feature

XYNYTH has been featured in the latest edition of Maintenance Sales News, alongside a full-page placement of Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer, Mountain Organic Natural Icemelter, and Arctic ECO Green® Icemelter, check out their interview of XYNYTH’s company president Kevin Wice as he discusses the importance of ice melt heading into winter, pandemic or not. Read the XYNYTH Article (Pages 34-35) here.

XYNYTH Celebrates BC Day

XYNYTH Celebrates BC Day on August 2nd. It is a statutory holiday observed in the province of British Columbia, Canada. This day is also celebrated by other provinces as Civic/Provincial Day. It is celebrated on the first Monday in the month of August. The first British Columbia day Act was introduced in 1974. The main aim of this statutory holiday was to pay respect to the forerunners of the land. This day is of immense importance to celebrate the local culture, history and development throughout the years.

XYNYTH Celebrates 35 Years!

We’ve passed a milestone and we’re celebrating. This year marks the 35th year of XYNYTH Manufacturing.

It was not that long ago when back in 1986 XYNYTH was started. Back in those days, long before internet, XYNYTH was started as a small icemelt distributor in Western Canada. It wasn’t until 5 years later, that XYNYTH set up manufacturing, and begun to sell its products coast to coast in Canada. Their first product, Mountain Organic Natural Icemelter, quickly became a big hit with end-users. It was the very first Eco-Friendly icemelter to hit the shelves. Of course there were many “ney sayers”, suggesting it would never sell, “nobody cares about the environment”. Thankfully, they couldn’t have been more wrong, and today the effects of your products on the environment is paramount. Mountain today is one of the top best selling Environmentally Friendly icemelters on the market.

In this time of reflection, we certainly would like to thank all our
customers, vendors and associates for 35 wonderful, exciting and fun years. Working with great people has truly made the past 35 years an awesome experience. We could not have reached this far without the support and determination of every individual like you. We look forward to a continued relationship with you in the coming years.

National Parks & Salt

Did you know that the vast majority of national parks across Canada and the United States don’t use salt?

Salt attracts wild animals, which can create quite a nuisance for park goers. It can also have deadly ramifications if a harmful chemical like calcium chloride or magnesium chloride is present. An excellent alternative to salt is our Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer™ Icemelter.

It will not attract animals and affect the surrounding vegetation in any way. Enviro LEADer is also non-corrosive, so it won’t harm vehicles. To learn more about this product, please consult our website at XYNYTH.com.

La Niña is coming! Again!

La Niña is characterized by unusually cold ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific, compared to El Niño, which is characterized by unusually warm ocean temperatures.

This is the second consecutive La Niña winter. Last year’s episode was atypically short, forming in November 2016 and gone by February 2017.

It seems that the upcoming La Niña of 2017–2018 is going to be weak and relatively short-lived, too. The equatorial waters of the eastern and central Pacific are only slightly cooler than usual, which means that the effects of La Niña are expected to be weaker. So stay warm and stay safe during this winter!

Don’t be stuck, for the most snow to fall from mid-December to mid-February .  Are you ready for it? Make sure you are. Stock up and visit www.xynyth.com

Featured: Game Changing Natural Icemelters

Maintenance Sales News magazine featured XYNYTH’s Eco-Friendly Natural Icemelters on several issues of their magazine, the latest of which is their Nov./Dec. 2017 issue.

For over 30 years, XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp., has provided new and different ice melter products to meet the growing demands placed by distributors, and their end-user customer base. Company officials complement these products with an abundance of information and educational tools, all in an effort to help people safely remove snow and ice.

The No. 1 selling item at XYNYTH remains the company’s prominent Mountain Organic Natural Icemelter™. It’s specifically designed to melt ice and snow effectively, while posing no risk to users, pets, concrete or the environment, when used as directed.

Click here for more info.

Winter is coming!

It’s always a good idea to learn about what to do to prepare your home for the winter.

Here are some brilliant ideas from LifeHacker: How to properly De-Ice Your Home

Buy the right ice melting product for your driveway and walkways.

There are many other choices than plain rock salt depending on your concerns:

Eco-friendly, safe on concrete, gentle on landscaping, no residue, pet-friendly, non-corrosive, LEED compliant…etc.

  • Know how much ice melt you need.

Check the instructions for the specific product you buy.

Know how much area you need to cover, and how many times you will need to cover it.

  • Use the ice melt the right way

Pre-treat your walkway and driveways before it snows. Mix a little sand with ice melt can provide traction.

Remove snow before using ice melt.

  • Prevent and clear ice dam on your roof

Ice dams prevent water runoff from flowing to the ground below, they can tear off gutters, loosen shingles, and lead to leaks when snow melts.

Buy roof rakes or DIY Snow ripper to clear the snow off rooftop after each snowstorm.

For more detailed information, please click here: https://goo.gly9mD9g

Liquefying icemelters

A very common question we get asked is: “Which of our icemelters can be liquefied?”

All of Winter Warrior icemelters (which includesWinter Warrior Enviro LEADer™ Icemelter, Winter Warrior Runway Control® and Winter Warrior CMA™ Icemelter can be converted to a liquid quite easily.

Simply dilute 25% product into 75% water.

Our Calcium Chloride can also be liquefied for those  who want a cheaper, non-eco-friendly alternative. The details on how to liquefy our Calcium Chloride are available on our website.