Tag Archives: Groundworks Icemelter

GroundWorks is UREA FREE!

GroundWorks Natural™ Icemelter is a pet-friendly icemelter, and it does not contain urea (sometimes listed as Carbonyl Diamide or Carbamide Resin), as Urea is very harmful to the environment even with very little amount.

Urea based ice melts are generally the ones labeled as safe for use around pets. However, with a practical working temperature of around -3.9°C / 25°F, urea is not a very effective ice melting product. Whereas GroundWorks will go down to – 23°C / -9°F, it melts the ice as much as it protects your pets’ paws.

Moreover, when urea washes off of driveways, it often ends up in the most nearby stream or river. Urea contains nitrogen and when released into the environment turns to ammonia, which can be quite toxic to aquatic life even in small amounts.

So when it comes to pet-safe icemelter, eco-friendly GroundWorks Natural™ Icemelter is your top choice!

Find out more about GroundWorks Natural™ Icemelter @ the XYNYTH Website

Safe for Pets? … You Bet!

Lucy and Snoopy are totally safe with GroundWorks Natural Icemelter™. It is completely safe for use around children and pets. It is one of the safest icemelters on the market. So when the safety of the four-legged members of your family counts, choose GroundWorks™. Ask for it at your local retailer today, or go to http://xynyth.com/products-tabs/GNI/groundworks-natural.html for more information.