Tag Archives: ice

Closed for BC Family Day !

Our Head Office will be closed on Monday, February 13th for BC Family Day.

Family Day was originally created to give people time to spend with their families but it also provides a day off between New Year’s Day and Good Friday as they are approximately three months apart. Family Day is not a National Statutory Holiday, it is only observed in Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan and in British Columbia. Family Day is celebrated on the 3rd Monday of February except in BC where it’s the 2nd Monday of February.

Common Family Day activities include skating, playing hockey, snowboarding, skiing and going to various winter festivals.

Its not rocket science!

Consumers are often in a rush when applying icemelter and usually do not follow the instructions.  Icemelters help to remove ice by breaking it down – first into smaller chunks, and finally into a liquid. Icemelters should not be confused with snow removal. Icemelters or deicers are designed to melt and break down the ice accumulations not the snow accumulations. In situations where there is ice and snow build up, it is best to remove the snow, using mechanical means such as shovels or snow blowers, and then use an ice melter to break down the ice into slush.  Most of our products only require ¼-1/2 cup per square yard/meter.  If in doubt, follow the instructions!

Check out http://www.xynyth.com/.

Winter is still coming!

It looks like winter is finally arrived in the rest of the continent and some models are predicting it could be here a while. According to sources like the Weather Network and NOAA, We may see a return of the Arctic outflow which could push temperatures back down to levels seen the last two years in the east and extending far south. Combined with El Nino effects that are bringing more storms to the east coast could result in some major snow events before all is done. The El Nino effects in the west may be keeping some temperatures above normal but in many markets this is resulting in more freeze/thaw cycles as the temperatures keep jumping back and forth. This could work in our favour as this type of cycle tends to require more ice melt than constant deep cold temperature levels.

XYNYTH Turns 30 !!!!

Wow, 30 years have flown by. It was not that long ago when back in 1986 XYNYTH was started. Back in those days, long before internet, XYNYTH was started as a small icemelt distributor in Western Canada. It wasn’t until 5 years later, that XYNYTH set up manufacturing, and begun to sell its products coast to coast in Canada. Their first product, Mountain Organic Natural Icemelter, quickly became a big hit with end-users. It was the very first Eco-Friendly icemelter to hit the shelves. Of course there were many “ney sayers”, suggesting it would never sell, “nobody cares about the environment”. Thankfully, they couldn’t have been more wrong, and today the effects of your products on the environment is paramount. Mountain today is one of the top best selling Environmentally Friendly icemelters on the market.

In this time of reflection, we certainly would like to thank all our customers, vendors and associates for 30 wonderful, exciting and fun years. Working with great people has truly made the past 30 years an awesome experience and we all look forward to the next 30.


Be sure to avail off our Boxing Week Special! Starting on December 26 till the end of the month, all our spreaders will be 30% off. This includes our Mountaineer 75 and Mountaineer Lite spreaders. In order to receive this discount contact sales@xynyth.com. This is a limited time offer, so act soon!

Seasons Greetings!

We at XYNYTH would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family all the very best this holiday season.  As we close out 2015 and as 2016 begins to dawn, it seems like a great time to reflect on what we’ve accomplished, the journey we’ve taken to get to where we are, and the plans we have for an exciting, bright future.  We are truly honored and thankful to be able to provide you with our Icemelter Products and hope that this holiday season is a very special one for you. May it be filled with great joy and long lasting memories.  Happy Holidays.

WINTER IS COMING… and we are ready!

WINTER IS COMING… and we are ready! We are pleased to announce that for this upcoming season all our warehouses will be well stocked. Please let your customers know that Xynyth will be more than prepared to meet their icemelter needs no matter the conditions outside.

Costly Calcium Conundrum

Costly Calcium ConundrumCalcium-Chloride

Word has started to hit the street that Calcium Chloride will be in short supply this coming season. Major manufacturers like Dow and Occidental have already informed their customers that Calcium Chloride will be on allocation. This means that not all orders will be fulfilled. Finding an affordable supply of Calcium Chloride will be a challenge this fall and winter. Calcium Chloride (CaCl) is a very common ice melter product that is known for its fast melting power down to very low temperatures. It is also will known for having some major drawbacks including a short shelf life, requiring more applications than other ice melters, leaving an oily residue behind and being dangerous to people, pets, & the environment. Many customers will be looking for quality alternatives that effectively melt ice that are not sodium based.   XYNYTH Manufacturing has two solutions for customers who find themselves in this conundrum. Mountain Organic Natural™ Icemelter and GroundWorks Natural™ Icemelter are perfect alternatives to Calcium Chloride. Not only are they much safer and cleaner, the required usage is only half that of Calcium for the same results. The restrictions on supply will drive up the price causing many to look at cheaper options of Calcium. For those that are more focused on the lower melting temperature and fast action of Calcium over the environmental concerns. This is perfect timing to try our new Arctic Orange™ Icemelter product. The new formulation is designed to work fast and hot like Calcium but will last long longer then pure Calcium Chloride.