Tag Archives: XYNYTH is ready for Winter

Icemelter and new concrete (12 months old!)

A question we frequently get is “if Icemelter is safe to apply on new concrete?”

The answer is no, as newly poured concrete needs time to cure and settle. The application of icemelter on concrete less than 12 months old may weaken the concrete structure making it more susceptible to damage in the future.

In order to reduce slipping, falling and liability risks, we suggest applying sand on the new concrete slab to give it some traction.
For more information on icemelter and concrete, please refer to our Icemelt Resource Centre.

Winter is coming >>>>>>> FAST!

It’s time to gear up for the winter season, and it’s going to
be a cold one!
This year’s weather prediction, brought to you by the Old Farmer’s Almanac, has declared this year to be a rough one (and we mean ROUGH). Wherever you are in North America, you can expect it to be colder and icier, with even MORE snowfall than normal. Be ready for the most snow to fall from mid-December to mid-January; however it has been predicted that the BONE CHILLING COLD will be most prominent in February of 2017! Are you ready for it?
Make sure you are. Visit www.xynyth.com