Category Archives: Ice melter and concrete

How to best spread/apply Icemelters?

Many have been asking how to best spread/apply icemelters?

Icemelters are best spread by using some mechanical means such as a spreader. Using a spreader guarantees even consistent distribution. While deicers can be spread manually using a scoop or by hand, it is not recommended. Spreaders are available in all sizes, from small hand held varieties to large dump truck attachments. Many users of ice melters like to have their product colored to make it easier for the person doing the spreading and to help over use of the product. Colored deicers can easily be seen by people, assuring them that it is safe to walk on the ice.

For more information on high-quality icemelters and deicers that are organic, “green” and safe to use, check out

Icemelter and new concrete (12 months old!)

A question we frequently get is “if Icemelter is safe to apply on new concrete?”

The answer is no, as newly poured concrete needs time to cure and settle. The application of icemelter on concrete less than 12 months old may weaken the concrete structure making it more susceptible to damage in the future.

In order to reduce slipping, falling and liability risks, we suggest applying sand on the new concrete slab to give it some traction.
For more information on icemelter and concrete, please refer to our Icemelt Resource Centre.