Tag Archives: ECO

Winter is coming!

It’s always a good idea to learn about what to do to prepare your home for the winter.

Here are some brilliant ideas from LifeHacker: How to properly De-Ice Your Home

Buy the right ice melting product for your driveway and walkways.

There are many other choices than plain rock salt depending on your concerns:

Eco-friendly, safe on concrete, gentle on landscaping, no residue, pet-friendly, non-corrosive, LEED compliant…etc.

  • Know how much ice melt you need.

Check the instructions for the specific product you buy.

Know how much area you need to cover, and how many times you will need to cover it.

  • Use the ice melt the right way

Pre-treat your walkway and driveways before it snows. Mix a little sand with ice melt can provide traction.

Remove snow before using ice melt.

  • Prevent and clear ice dam on your roof

Ice dams prevent water runoff from flowing to the ground below, they can tear off gutters, loosen shingles, and lead to leaks when snow melts.

Buy roof rakes or DIY Snow ripper to clear the snow off rooftop after each snowstorm.

For more detailed information, please click here: https://goo.gly9mD9g

It’s show time in Vegas: ISSA / INTERCLEAN 2017

XYNYTH is exhibiting at the ISSA/INTERCLEAN trade show in Las Vegas, this September 12th to 14th. This is the largest and most important Commercial show of the year for our team. We will be at Booth# 2055, featuring our well-known product Mountain Organic Natural™ Icemelter and Arctic ECO Green® Icemelter, as well as Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer™ Icemelter and Arctic CLEAR Window & Mirror De-icer™. We would love to meet you there!

Safe for Pets? … You Bet!

Lucy and Snoopy are totally safe with GroundWorks Natural Icemelter™. It is completely safe for use around children and pets. It is one of the safest icemelters on the market. So when the safety of the four-legged members of your family counts, choose GroundWorks™. Ask for it at your local retailer today, or go to http://xynyth.com/products-tabs/GNI/groundworks-natural.html for more information.

Seasons Greetings!

We at XYNYTH would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family all the very best this holiday season.
As we close out 2016 and as 2017 begins to dawn, it seems like a great time to reflect on what we’ve accomplished, the journey we’ve taken to get to where we are, and the plans we have for an exciting, bright future. We are truly honored and thankful to be able to work with each of you and hope that this holiday season is a special one. May it be filled with great joy and long lasting memories. Happy Holidays!

Closed for Labor Day

Our Head Office will be closed on Monday, September 5th for Labor Day.

Labour Day in Canada is celebrated on the first Monday of September and it is a federal statutory holiday. It originally gave workers the chance to campaign for better working
conditions or pay. The day is now part of a long weekend for
many Canadians. It is also observed in the United States on the
same day.

Happy Labor Day from XYNYTH Manufacturing!


North American based ice melting manufacturer celebrates its 30th Anniversary by introducing 3 new products

VANCOUVER, BC, August 5, 2016 – Mike Tyson won his first world boxing title. Comet Halley reached the closest point to the Sun. FIFA World Cup was held in Mexico. “We Are the World” (M. Jackson & L. Richie) was named by the American Music Awards. Nineteen Eighty-Six was undoubtedly a spectacular year in many aspects. It was also the first time ever that XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp. has appeared in the marketplace. Since then, the company has been experiencing a successful top position in the ice melting industry.

The company has grown from the dreams of its President, Kevin Wice, to a company with a strong presence in Canada and the United States. It has come a long way since the business was started and XYNYTH is really excited about the future as the company continues to assure consistent quality of products and excellence in customer service. XYNYTH is really concerned about sustainability and the environmentally friendly concept comes along with the products to serve customers across a range of industries, including Retail, Pet, Automotive and Commercial Janitorial & Industrial.

To celebrate this milestone, XYNYTH launches three new products – Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter™ – specifically designed for GREEN Buildings, Winter Warrior CMA Icemelter™ – made from 100% Calcium Magnesium Acetate, and Arctic CLEAR Windshield and Mirror De-icer™ – a liquid spray de-icer for frozen surfaces which is a new brand-solution for the automotive segment.

XYNYTH is really proud of its own history and this achievement is not just a business intent occasion, but also it is a perfect time to thank all the employees, customers, and business partners who have helped the company to continually grow over the past winter seasons.

XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp. has been a leader in the manufacturing industry, offering high quality in icemelters throughout North America. Founded in 1986, the company is based in Vancouver, British Columbia and has warehouses located across Canada and the United States.
If you would like more information about this topic, the company and its products, please call Toll Free 1-800-MELT-ICE (635-8423) or send an e-mail to sales@xynyth.com.

Which icemelt is the LEADer?

Our new Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter is the best choice for Green Eco-buildings. It contains no chlorides and unlike pure CMA and goes down to lower temperatures while being much more cost effective.

Find out more at http://www.xynyth.com today!

Happy Birthday Canada!

Our Head Office will be closed on Friday, July 1st for Canada Day, the anniversary of Canada’s Confederation. Formerly known as “Dominion Day”, this day marks the anniversary of the Constitution Act of 1867, joining Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Canada province (now Ontario and Quebec) into a single country.

New Product: Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter™

Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter is the Superior ECO De-icer, designed specifically to be used around all Green Buildings / Properties, where there are environmental or corrosion concerns.

– Powerful to -21 C (-6 F)
– Contains CMA
– For use around Green Buildings
– Safest for the Environment
– Green Color
– Non-Corrosive
– Safe on Concrete
– Easy to Apply

Find out more at XYNYTH.COM.


As some of you may know, as of January 2015 LEED has redefined the requirements for LEED – Compliant Icemelters. According to the update, “Environmentally Preferred” Icemelters may not contain more than five percent of the following ingredients: Sodium Chloride, Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, Potassium Acetate, or Ammonia-based products.

XYNYTH Winter Warrior Family of products meets these stringent requirements: Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter , Winter Warrior Runway Control Icemelter® and Winter Warrior CMA Icemelter .

Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter  is the Superior ECO De-icer, designed specifically to be used around all Green Buildings and properties, where there are environmental or corrosion concerns. It is safe on concrete and works powerfully down to -21°C (-6 °F).

Winter Warrior Runway Control Icemelter® is comprised of Sodium Acetate and Sodium Formate, and thus contains none of the above mentioned ingredients. It is completely biodegradable, non-corrosive and also is Federally Approved for Used on Airport Runways, Taxiways & Aprons.

Another alternative that Green Building owners could turn to is Winter Warrior CMA Icemelter , which is made from 100% Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA). CMA is made of dolomite lime and acetic acid, and is perfect where corrosion or environmental issues are of concern. It is easy to apply, and biodegradable. It performs down to temperature as low as -12° C (10° F).

Find out more at https://www.xynyth.com/product.html